Raccoon – smart and cute!

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I live in Toronto and, as Italian born, I am not used to wild animals in the city, as squirrels, raccoons and skunks. Raccons are perhaps the most interesting, from the beautifully textured fur, to their ability in opening green … Continued

A new Teeko for the 2nd Chirault

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This year too I support Ally’s RomColthoff Kickstarter campaign to print the 2nd Volume of her comic Chirault. This time the print is made from Shapeways industries in white polished nylon, a real beauty! So, just few days till the campaign end, … Continued

Teeko up to 3D print!

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Last year I did a couple of 3D printed figurines for Varethane (Ally RomColthoff), based on her webcomic Chirault. Ally is currently doing a second Kickstarter campaign to print volume 2 of this comic, you have up to Oct 24 … Continued

Sweet deer eyes… in 3D!

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Earlier this year, a comic/video games concept artist based in Montreal, Minikim, made an adorable doodle that I just HAD TO model! (Yes, this model was cooking since many months, and finally is out!) I really wanted to translate this design … Continued

Labels for Frogs and Sheep

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I recently worked on labels in order to expose my work in live stores and crafts markets in town. The Labels are completely hand made, and feature a nana comic on the back, to illustrate my process. In the Goodnight … Continued