Hi there!
I’m Morena Protti (aka MorenaP) and I’m an italian 3D modeler that made Canada her home, working on children animated tv series.
During my free time i sing with my guitar, sketch on the go, cook by scratch, crafts of any kind and … more 3D modeling!
I start to be interested in 3D printing in 2012, so I modeled a Treefrog, in order to understand 3D home printing limitations. This model made the joy of the growing 3D printing community, that loves to test the quality of their printers through it.
Through 3D modeling I can express my creativity and talent at best, and so for you to enjoy!
If you have a 3D printer at home, you can check my models on Thingiverse, and if you’d like to support my work, you can either buy one of the Treefrog Gadgets I made, or some of the other design avialable on my Shapeways store!
At the moment I don’t take commission work, but feel free to contact me if it’s for something based on my previous designs!