Lower prices on Shapeways items!

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Thanks to Shapeway’s new pricing for some of the materials, now Keep Calm and Print Frog keychain is considerably cheaper to produce! I’ve also added some choice in steel. Check them out!
Some lower prices as well on Steel materials for the Treefrog Foot Pendant and Treefrog Shadow Pendant. Enjoy your shopping more than ever!

https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/198016704/  and  http://shpws.me/vlu5
Treefrog foot pendant https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/198016704/  -or- http://shpws.me/vlu5
Treefrog Shadow Pendant  https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/198127232/ -or- http://shpws.me/vltP
Treefrog Shadow Pendant
https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/198127232/  -or- http://shpws.me/vltP
Keep Calm and Print Frogs https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/198113712/ -or- http://shpws.me/vltV
Keep Calm and Print Frogs https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/198113712/  -or- http://shpws.me/vltV


I’m also doing a promotional sale on my Etsy store, up to December 20th, for the items that have been already printed by Shapeways, in occasion of winter holidays shopping! Here below the list:

Made in Country: Australia, Belarus, China, Quebec

Treefrog Foot pendant: coloured nylon, Steel

Treefrog Shadow pendant: Frosted ultra detail, coloured nylon, Steel

Keep Calm and Print Frogs: Nylon & Frosted.

Costumers outside Canada can enjoy any of these items, in several materials choice, directly from my Shapeways store.

Happy winter shopping!

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